Speed&Power Cadence SteeringGeometry SpokeLength PedalKickBack Suspension Links

HPV related...
HPV projects, HPV dealers (US-focused), Racing results and photos
About the German Human-Powered-Vehicles-Association. English & german version available.
2001 World Human Powered Speed Challenge
Reports, results, pictures from a new set of World Records of purely Human Powered Speed
for 200 m, 1 km, 1 mile distances, culminating in Sam Whittingham's 80.55 mph (129.6 km/h)!
Pictures and reports about the White Hawk and more...
Links, not bicycle-related
Applications, Web Development (www.walterzorn.com)
A small function graphing program (currently Windows version only). Can also numerically integrate, solve differential equations (ODE) up to the fifth order, calculate value tables including the first derivative, and more.
JavaScript DHTML&Drag'nDrop Library with easy-to-use DHTML API.
A cross-browser capable JavaScript Vectorgraphics Library which can draw computergraphics primitives such as oblique lines, ellipses, polygons etc. directly (without plugins, SVG, Java) into a webpage.
Most recent version of the tooltip program - also used for the light-blue tooltips (information popup boxes over links) on these www.kreuzotter.de pages.

Speed&Power Cadence SteeringGeometry SpokeLength PedalKickBack Suspension Links


Last modified: 31. 7. 2006   Impressum / About this page

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